The Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal is releasing in theatres on December 1, 2023, and Ranbir’s support system cannot keep calm for the release. The movie has already created a stir with its phenomenal teaser and trailer, and for the screening of Animal held in the city last night, Alia Bhatt was the biggest supporter in an Animal-themed white t-shirt that she wore beneath a full-sleeved blazer and teamed with a pair of black wide-leg pants. The customised t-shirt of Alia had Ranbir’s look from Animal printed over it. Alia’s outfit was the perfect blend of casual chic and yet did well to convey her well-earned boss babe vibe. She is one of the reigning stars and fashionistas of Bollywood after all. For accessories, the actress picked a pair of golden chunky earrings and carried a black sling bag. Leaving her tresses loose in waves, Alia’s minimal makeup included a nude lip colour, a dash of kohl, and a rosy cheek tint.
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Alia Bhatt attended the screening with her sister Shaheen Bhatt who wore a pastel-coloured floral maxi dress with bell sleeves. Alia’s mother Soni Razdan opted for a printed co-ord set and accessorised the look with a pair of dangling earrings. Ranbir Kapoor was wearing a dark-toned suit as he walked with his mother Neetu Kapoor who looked absolutely ravishing in a black jumpsuit with a printed blazer. The entire family made their presence felt, full of support and cheer for Ranbir at the premiere.
Along with Ranbir, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol will also be seen in the movie.