Kathleen Richards
Kathleen Richards

Kathleen Richards, a staunch progressive Democrat, is no stranger to controversy. She’s beloved by the union, and it’s no wonder why—they know she’ll always rubber-stamp their agenda, no questions asked. But let’s peel back the layers and see what Kathleen really stands for, because it’s certainly not parental rights, despite what she may claim.

The Union’s Darling

Take a look at her cozy relationship with the Higley Education Association (HEA), the local teachers’ union. When Heather Balch, the HEA Secretary, commented on a Facebook posts, calling for board members who don’t push “anti-public education beliefs” and who trust educators without micromanagement, Kathleen was quick to express her approval. “Not at all! I appreciate you!” she replied (see image below). This isn’t just a simple agreement—it’s an endorsement of the union’s agenda over the concerns of parents and community members.  Heather Balch, more than any other petitioner besides Kathleen herself, collected the highest number of signatures for Kathleen’s campaign. Take note of the pattern emerging with Heather’s involvement in the campaigns of Kathleen, Scott Glover, and Tiffany Shultz.

A Hypocrite’s Double Standard

Kathleen loves to play the victim when it suits her. In 2022, she threw a tantrum after being blocked by a candidate on social media, accusing them of being “unwilling to be transparent.” Yet, Kathleen herself has blocked anyone who dares to question her or challenge her views on her own campaign page. She can dish out criticism, but she certainly can’t take it.

Disrespecting the Process and Her Peers

Kathleen’s behavior on the Higley Bond Committee was nothing short of disgraceful. When another committee member presented facts against the bond, Kathleen launched into a verbal attack so intense that another member had to use her hand as a gavel to stop her shouting. This is not the behavior of someone who respects the democratic process or values differing opinions—this is someone who wants to silence opposition.

Ignoring Parental Concerns

Kathleen’s disdain for parents who disagree with her is palpable. When parents raised concerns about sexually explicit books in schools, Kathleen, who also teaches in the Higley district, dismissed their concerns with a glib Facebook post: “Hope to see some folks at the board meeting tomorrow night. I’m not sure what exactly that will hold for us in the crowd, but I’m definitely curious” (see image below). By “us,” she means union members, not concerned parents. This flippant attitude underscores her lack of concern for the real issues that parents bring to the table.

Pushing a Radical Agenda

Kathleen’s social media posts reveal her true priorities. She has openly mocked concerns about Critical Race Theory (CRT), calling it a “buzzword” and dismissing it as fearmongering. But the reality is, many parents have complained about race-based assignments being given to their children, and Kathleen’s dismissal of these concerns is a slap in the face to those who want politics kept out of the classroom.

Kathleen Richards

She’s also a staunch defender of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), which she believes is “IMPERATIVE” for education. But let’s be clear—SEL is often a Trojan horse for bringing radical ideas into the classroom under the guise of “teaching the whole child.”

Anti-Parent, Pro-Union

Kathleen is quick to attack anyone who doesn’t align with her radical views. When a parent expressed frustration over the district’s COVID-19 policies, Kathleen lashed out, telling them, “If you want to be left alone don’t pick fights. Your lack of care endangers others.” This is not how you engage with concerned parents—this is how you shut them down.

It’s no surprise that Kathleen is endorsed by Save Our Schools, an organization that has fought tooth and nail against Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA) program, which gives parents more control over their children’s education. Kathleen is anti-school choice and proudly aligns herself with groups that want to strip parents of their rights.

Kathleen Richards

Hypocrisy at Its Finest

Despite her constant claims of non-partisanship, Kathleen’s actions tell a different story. She’s heavily involved in promoting Democratic candidates and causes, yet she accuses others of bringing politics into the schools. She even went as far as supporting efforts to keep schools closed and kids masked, all while advocating for radical changes to the district’s policies. It’s ironic she talks about the safety of her girls when she refused to address concerns on Facebook about protecting females in bathrooms and locker rooms from biological males.

Her political views such as pornographic books are welcome in schools, but PragerU is not. Kathleen Richards is not the champion of parental rights she claims to be. She’s a union-backed, progressive activist who will stop at nothing to push her agenda, even if it means silencing parents and shutting down dissent. The Higley community deserves better than someone who will always choose the union over our kids.

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