PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — Here’s a first look at meetings of our South Dakota state government’s boards and commissions that are open to the public during the new week starting Monday, December 16, 2024.

Click on the name (highlighted in blue) for meeting details. Please note that any could be postponed because of adverse weather or other reasons.

Also, the annual Christmas trees display inside the South Dakota Capitol is open daily 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT through December 26. The theme this year is “Through A Child’s Eyes.”

Monday, December 16

Accountancy Board, 9 a.m. CT, teleconference.

Medical and Osteopathic Examiners Board, Genetic Counselors Council, 1:30 p.m. CT, teleconference.

Indian Education Council, 5 p.m. CT, teleconference.

Tuesday, December 17

Public Utilities Commission, 9:30 a.m. CT, room 413, Capitol.

Emergency Response Commission, 10 a.m. CT, teleconference and 523 E. Capitol Avenue, Pierre.

Nursing Board, HPAP Committee, noon CT, teleconference and 4109 S. Carnegie Circle, Sioux Falls.

Indigent Legal Services Commission, 1 p.m. CT, teleconference.

One Call Board, Enforcement Panel, 1 p.m. CT, teleconference.

State Fair Commission, 1 p.m. CT, 1060 Third Street SW, Huron.

Finance Board, 2 p.m. CT, teleconference and Bear Butte Conference Room, second floor, Capitol.

Wednesday, December 18

Professional Teachers Commission, 9 a.m. CT, 800 Governors Drive, Pierre.

Barber Examiners Board, 10 a.m. CT, teleconference.

Public Safety Communications Council, 10 a.m. CT, teleconference and 700 Governors Drive, Pierre.

Railroad Board, 11 a.m. CT, teleconference and 700 E. Broadway Avenue, Pierre.

Education Practitioners Committee, 12:30 p.m. CT, teleconference.

Banking Commission, 1:30 p.m. CT, teleconference and 1500 W. 51st Street, Suite 102, Sioux Falls.

Thursday, December 19

Building Authority, 9 a.m. CT, public hearing on proposed bond issue for Black Hills State University nursing facility at BHSU’s Rapid City campus, followed at 10 a.m. CT, business meeting, 330 S. Poplar Street, suite 102, Pierre.

Education Standards Board, 9 a.m. CT, public hearing on proposed changes to content standards for English language arts, K-8 computer science and Oceti Sakowin essential understandings, as well as business meeting; teleconference and Denny Sanford Event Center, 1021 N. West Avenue, Sioux Falls.

Electrical Commission, 9 a.m. CT, teleconference.

Transportation Commission, 9 a.m. CT, teleconference and 700 E. Broadway Avenue, Pierre.

Independent Living Council, 9:30 a.m. CT, teleconference.

Brand Board, 11 a.m. MT / noon CT, teleconference and 1444 Fountain Plaza Drive, Rapid City.

Reemployment Assistance Commission, 1:30 p.m. CT, teleconference.

Friday, December 20

Internal Control Board, 10 a.m. CT, room 414, Capitol.

Monday, December 23

No public meeting is scheduled.

KELOLAND Capitol Bureau Reporter Bob Mercer in Pierre assembled this information on Sunday, December 15, 2024. State law requires state government boards and commissions to post public meeting notices 72 hours in advance, not counting Saturdays, Sundays and official state holidays. The Legislature isn’t subject to that public notice law.

*Please check boardsandcommissions.sd.gov and sdlegislature.gov for any meetings of state boards and commissions and legislative meetings that were posted after this weekly listing was assembled. Livecasts of some meetings are available at sd.net. Many meetings are available by teleconference. Check agendas and sd.net for audio availability.

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