Submitted by editor on 19 April 2021.


My name is Klemen Jerina and I was recently appointed as a subject editor for Wildlife Biology.

I am wildlife researcher working mostly on ecology, conservation and management of large carnivores and ungulates in Eurasia, especially in central Europe and Balkan. Most of my research work has been dedicated to brown bear, grey wolf, red and roe deer, wild boar, chamois and Barbary sheep, and to a smaller degree to other game and protected species. My studies nowadays mainly focus on applied issues, important from management and conservation perspective, such as understanding the causes of human-wildlife conflicts and their prevention, cons and pros of artificial feeding, short-term and long-term effects of selective hunting, transboundary populations in fragmented European landscapes.

I am employed as professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management at the University of Ljubljana (Department for Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Biotechnical Faculty), coordinate a PhD study and a lab for Forest Protection and Wildlife Management, and serve as a member of Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe and Bear Specialist Group (IUCN).

I take science very seriously and believe it should be the basement for the species conservation and management, therefore it has to be conducted and reported most responsibly. I especially appreciate innovativeness and use of sound logic in the research. At the same time, my experiences taught me that effective management is possible only when key stakeholders are included, for which often compromises need to be taken.

Coming from a small village in Slovenia, country with very high forest coverage and fauna diversity, wildlife surrounded me since I remember and became my passion during my early childhood, and this never left me. Outside of work, I enjoy working on our hobby-farm, hiking, picking all sorts of wild foods and cooking, sometimes also doing nothing but listening to music. I am completely addicted to ocean, free diving and speargun-fishing.




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