Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and Madison Cawthorn comprise the core of what the Daily Beast references as the Trump loyalists. Obviously, this distinction is one of degree, every Republican except Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney are Trump loyalists to some extent. But there can be no serious argument that the four above are truly “special.” (The only argument is that it should include Paul Gosar, but for the purposes of this article, it does not). The notoriety that the four above paid handsomely last year in a post-insurrection environment. According to the Daily Beast, the situation is reversed this year.

The first three months of the year took more than $275,000 combined out of the pockets of Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), and Matt Gaetz (R-FL)—the foursome of America First, Donald Trump-loving, exhibitionist election objectors. All told, it was their worst showing to date. It wasn’t always like this.

In 2021, that crew saw eye-popping returns, stacking up a combined year-over-year gain of $4.8 million.

They are paying out more than they’re taking in? Perhaps they got used to the lifestyle afforded one with $4.8 million to spend on “politically-related activities,” and their spending habits have extended beyond their income. Except, no, the income has gone down, too. They are not mutually exclusive.

Of course, one would certainly hope that fundraising would become much more difficult for a Matt Gaetz or Madison Cawthorn. One wonders what a person would have to do to lower themselves in the eyes of voters if those two continued to make a fortune. The Beast sets forth the problems.

Cawthorn can’t seem to put the brakes on his runaway spending. Legal and PR bills wiped Gaetz out last year but have subsided for now, allowing him to get his nose above water. And Greene appears to have switched up this year, scrapping her tried and true—and costly—digital efforts and instead putting a fat bet on a direct mail campaign that didn’t pan out.

Perhaps Boebert is suffering by association, though it should be noted that she is the one suffering the least when it comes to fundraising.

With respect to “what does all this mean,” I agree with the Daily Beast’s assessment, though I would add another consideration.

First, it means that the first half of 2021 was a goldrush for election denialists that is unlikely to be seen again (at least not until 2025, and at that point, we have to worry more about weapon spending). Second, it means that the scandals that have embroiled all of them are finally catching up, and even the most extreme MAGA voters see trouble coming as all but Gaetz are up against strong primary challenges.

And last, I believe that whatever Republican money remains is now directed toward the actual power in the party as we get closer and closer to the election, that means Donald Trump, or – in some special cases, perhaps, the RNC’s PAC. This is an election year. Control of Congress is at stake and there’s less room for “silly stunt” politics to “own the libs.”

Overall, though. Democrats should always be happy to hear that less money is headed toward any conservative entity, particularly these four.

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