SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) – In the midst of thousands of federal government employees being laid off, what is the job outlook for state government employees in South Dakota?

In a February press conference, Republican Gov. Larry Rhoden said there were more than 700 state government job openings at the time and 19,000 total job openings in the state. 

KELOLAND News reached out to Commissioner Darin Seeley with the South Dakota Department of Human Resources to see where the highest demand is for state jobs. 

As of March 14, there are 642 job openings for state jobs and 225 of them are seasonal positions in the Game, Fish, and Parks Department. He also said the Department of Corrections and Department of Social Services have a large percentage of job openings. 

“Some agencies, like DOC, have several evergreen positions open across the state which can lead to multiple hirings per listing,” Seeley said in an emailed response to KELOLAND News. “We also see a spike in our numbers when we post our summer internship opportunities as well.”

The WorksforUs webpage lists all job openings for the state and when they were posted. 

Seeley also said there were no plans for major layoffs in the South Dakota government like there are for federal workers right now. 

“The budget that has been passed will likely impact a small number of employees in their current roles, but because of the lead time we certainly hope they will fill needed positions in other areas of state government,” Seeley added. 

During Rhoden’s press briefing in February, he invited laid off federal workers to apply in South Dakota. 

“There are a lot of opportunities in South Dakota for these federal employees that are laid off,” Rhoden said.

Seeley had similar sentiments for recently laid off federal employees who are looking for work.

“Experienced people with a service mindset for the citizens of our state, including those impacted by recent Federal terminations, will get full consideration to fill positions around the state,” he said.

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