ALBANY — Most New Yorkers have no problem with the state’s strict new gun laws enacted weeks after 10 people were killed during a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket.

A new Siena College poll released Thursday found that 76% voters believe a new law requiring a permit to purchase a semi-automatic rifle and raising the age to buy such weapons to 21 will be good for the state.

Similarly, about 79% of those surveyed want to see the Supreme Court uphold New York’s decades-old law requiring a license to carry a concealed handgun.

Even gun owners support the new restrictions, the poll found.

“It’s worth noting that 67% of Republicans and 73% of gun owners (about one-fifth of all voters) think the law will be good,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said in a statement.

Abortion protections passed along with the new gun laws during the final week of the legislative session in Albany also found broad support among New Yorkers.

Sixty-three percent of those polled said a law enhancing legal protections for those seeking or performing abortions in New York will be good for the state.

Nearly two-thirds of voters, about 60%, also want to see the U.S. Supreme Court uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that led to federally-protected the right to seek an abortion.

Meanwhile, a measure awaiting Gov. Hochul’s signature that would place a two year moratorium on converting fossil fuel power plants into cryptocurrency mining operations has New Yorkers evenly divided.

Only 36% of respondents say the law will be good for New York, while 31% believe it would be bad for the state.

As an earlier Siena poll found in February, most New Yorkers have crime on the mind.

An overwhelming majority of voters in the Empire State, 92%, say crime is a serious problem and are concerned about becoming a victim, according to the poll.

Another 65% say crime in their own community is a serious concern and six in ten respondents are fearful that they could become a victim, the survey found.

“Crime continues to be an overriding issue for New Yorkers,” Greenberg said. “At least 90% of voters from every party, region and race say crime is a serious problem in the state, with at least 57% saying it’s a very serious problem, including 79% of Black voters who say it’s a very serious problem.”

The stunning numbers come less than two weeks before the state’s gubernatorial primary elections, slated for June 28, and reinforce messaging being used on both sides of the aisle.

Hochul remains popular among Democrats with 65% of registered Dems viewing her favorably and 60% giving her a positive job performance rating.

Most Democrats, 70%, are prepared to elect her to a full term in November if she wins the party’s primary on June 28, according to the poll.

Her two primary rivals, city Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) had 40% and 23% favorability ratings among Democrats.

Few of the Republican gubernatorial candidates, Rep. Lee Zedlin (R-N.Y.), former White House aide Andrew Giuliani, businessman Harry Wilson and former Westchester County executive Rob Astorino, faired much better with GOP voters.

Roughly 50% of Republican voters view Giuliani favorably while the rest of the slate of candidates failed to break 40%.

A separate Emerson College poll released last week, showed Zeldin leading the field with 34% support from voters, Astorino picked up 16%, Wilson nabbed 15% and Giuliani trailed with 13%.

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