As an esthetician, I spend a lot of time preaching to my clients, friends, and Instagram followers the importance of consistency when it comes to skincare. Sticking with a moisturiser from start to finish, staying loyal to the serums that you know work for your skin, and not falling for the hype of that fancy new cleanser (when you have a perfectly good one on your shelf) is the secret to seeing results and improving your long-term skin health.

The only times I recommend switching up products? Seasonally. For most people, summer and winter can trigger some changes in the way our skin behaves, which can call for a few tweaks to the products and types of products we need to use. Many of us are already well-vered in swapping from lighter moisturisers to thicker ones when winter rolls around, but another product that can need a seasonal switch up? Serum.

best serums for winter

What serum should I use in the winter?

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