MADISON, Wisconsin – Americans for Pharma Reform, a non-profit group of concerned Americans determined to address Big Pharma’s detrimental and predatory practices, announced this morning that they have launched a radio ad in the Madison, Wisconsin media market. The ad entitled “Bankrolled by Big Pharma,” highlights for Wisconsinites the hypocrisy of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s position when it comes to standing up to the big pharmaceutical companies and informs them of the $900,000.00 in contributions she has taken from the industry and individuals connected to the industry.

“Wisconsin deserves a U.S. Senator who is willing to tell them the truth here at home and then keep their word in Washington, D.C. For too long, Tammy Baldwin has misled Wisconsin voters by telling them she was standing up to Big Pharma,” said Rob Burgess, the Executive Director of Americans for Pharma Reform. “In reality, she was offering nothing but lip service to her constituents while pocketing Big Pharma’s money. We believe that Wisconsin will agree with us that when it comes to this behavior from Tammy Baldwin, enough is enough.”

The ad buy will run throughout the Madison radio market from October 25, 2024, until November 5, 2024. The ad, which can be heard here, educates listeners on the truth of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s record while encouraging them to call her office and demand that she represents Wisconsin’s best interests rather than her own.

“At the end of the day, Wisconsin is gearing up to select someone to represent them in the United States Senate for six years. Americans for Pharma Reform believes that a well-informed voter is a fully informed voter, and we want to make sure that Wisconsin knows the truth when it comes to Tammy Baldwin’s record on the fight against Big Pharma,” concluded Burgess.

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