Scottsdale students were urged to “support Arizona’s Official Drag Story Hour chapter”

On Tuesday, the Arizona Senate leadership announced it is joining other states by working on legislation that would prohibit minors from attending drag shows.

In May, the Arizona Daily Independent reported that a Tucson Magnet High School counselor, who had hosted a drag show for students,  was subsequently arrested after evidence revealed she was having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old student.

Earlier this month, AZ FREE News reported the Heard Museum hosted a drag show as part of “Pride Night.” Children were observed in attendance, as the show was touted as being “family-friendly.” Performers were seen dressed in scantily clad attire while carrying out provocative dance moves that left little to the imagination as youngsters watched.

The senators claim that “policies of nondiscrimination regarding gender expression and sexual orientation are sending a message to society that we should disregard morals and values just to normalize these unscientific, broad, ill-defined and subjective terms, which set a dangerous precedent for our children that are too young to be exposed to such concepts.”

“One of the reasons why we were elected as lawmakers by our constituents was to protect family values,” claim the senators. “If men want to dress as women, and if adults want to participate in watching these hyper-sexualized performances, they have the freedom to do so. It crosses the line when kids are subjected to these drag shows. This ignorance by public and private sectors promoting this behavior sends a message of complete and utter perversion that can have detrimental impacts on the social and emotional development of our children. We will be damned if we won’t fight like hell to protect the most innocent from these horrifying and disturbing trends that are spreading across the nation now that extremist Democrats are currently in control of our federal government.”

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