MADISON, Wis. — Tonight, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin will debate millionaire California banker Eric Hovde, speaking to their positions on issues that Wisconsinites care about and policies that have a direct impact on our local communities across the state. 

A Better Wisconsin Together Deputy Director Mike Browne says Wisconsinites can expect more of the same lies, deflection, and out of touch divisive rhetoric we have already seen from Hovde. 

“Eric Hovde has shown himself shockingly out-of-touch with Wisconsin values from the get go. After never even saying the word ‘Wisconsin’ in his campaign launch ad it’s only gotten worse, like saying seniors in nursing homes shouldn’t be allowed to vote and supporting dangerous abortion bans,” said Mike Browne, deputy director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “Now, as he closes out his campaign with despicable ads, no amount of lying or deflection from Eric Hovde can hide his out of touch agenda or the harm it would do to Wisconsin families.”

From abortion and voting rights, to health care and social security, below are four facts that Hovde can’t dodge tonight: 

  1. Hovde believes senior citizens in nursing homes should not be allowed to vote. In an interview earlier this year, Hovde suggested that, due to their age, sernios in nursing homes are “not at a point to vote.”
  2. Hovde supports abortion bans and supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which has led to dangerous abortion bans across the nation, including politicians right here in Wisconsin trying to ban abortion with no exceptions. His extreme anti-abortion stance even landed him an endorsement from one of the most radical, far-right anti-abortion groups in Wisconsin.
  3. Hovde has said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, a bill that makes it possible for millions of Americans and Wisconsinites to find and afford the health care they need. If Hovde got his way on repealing the law, Wisconsinites across the state would lose their health care at a critical time.
  4. Hovde wants to gut Social Security and Medicareslashing the benefits that hardworking Wisconsinites have earned after decades of hard work. 

“There’s no debate that Eric Hovde’s record and his views are radically out of touch. Wisconsinites deserve better,” said Browne.

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