PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wisc. – After months of Rebecca Cooke spreading lies and mistruths, she has been caught again, this time by the Western Wisconsin Medical Society for altering a photo taken at an event this group of medical providers hosted. Her actions were immediately condemned by their president, Doctor Thomas Joles, for “altering photos and posting false images.”

In a statement, the society’s president wrote in part: “Scheduling challenges prevented one candidate from attending. Unfortunately, a photo from the forum was altered to make it appear that one candidate was a ‘no-show.’ That is not accurate, and posting false images from an information-gathering event should never happen.”

“We are extremely disappointed that our efforts to help area physicians learn more about candidates’ stances on healthcare issues have been turned into political mudslinging.”

We’d say we’re shocked, but then we would be joining Cooke in her outright lies. In fact, we’ve been highlighting FOR MONTHS Cooke’s willingness to say or do anything – even if it means lying to voters – to score political points.

In response to the Western Wisconsin Medical Society’s statement today, please consider the following statement from the Van Orden Campaign:

“It’s downright shameful but not surprising that Rebecca Cooke continues to lie about her background and Congressman Van Orden’s policy positions and record. She has now moved on to doctoring photos to deceive the voters of Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District for her personal gain. This is exactly what everyone hates about Washington DC. These types of shady political tricks are not appreciated by the people in the Third, and shows a distinct lack of character by Rebecca Cooke.”

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