wendy rogers
Sen. Wendy Rogers

The Senate Democratic Caucus says Republican Sen. Wendy Rogers drafted a letter with an Arizona Senate letterhead, endorsing a Cottonwood City Council member in the local election in violation of Arizona law.

The law states that “any public agency, department, board, commission, committee, council or authority shall not spend or use public resources to influence an election, including the use or expenditure of monies, accounts, credit, materials, equipment, buildings, facilities, vehicles, postage, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, web pages and personnel and any other thing of value of the public entity.”

The Senate Democratic Caucus says Republican Sen. Wendy Rogers drafted a letter with an Arizona Senate letterhead, endorsing a Cottonwood City Council member in the local election in violation of Arizona law.

The law states that “any public agency, department, board, commission, committee, council or authority shall not spend or use public resources to influence an election, including the use or expenditure of monies, accounts, credit, materials, equipment, buildings, facilities, vehicles, postage, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, web pages and personnel and any other thing of value of the public entity.”

The Senate Democratic Caucus sent the letter to Attorney General Kris Mayes, asking for an investigation. According to Richie Taylor, communications director for the Attorney General’s Office, the Mayes has received the request for an investigation and is looking into it.

“We are, once again, disappointed by her behavior and have taken action to have this matter investigated by the Attorney General,” reads a statement from the Senate Democratic Caucus. “Arizonans deserve to have confidence in their elected officials. Senator Rogers’ action may have been done carelessly or with blatant disregard for the law. Either way, it is an abuse of her position. No elected official is above the law.”

The Senate Democratic Caucus sent the letter to Attorney General Kris Mayes, asking for an investigation. According to Richie Taylor, communications director for the Attorney General’s Office, the Mayes has received the request for an investigation and is looking into it.

“We are, once again, disappointed by her behavior and have taken action to have this matter investigated by the Attorney General,” reads a statement from the Senate Democratic Caucus. “Arizonans deserve to have confidence in their elected officials. Senator Rogers’ action may have been done carelessly or with blatant disregard for the law. Either way, it is an abuse of her position. No elected official is above the law.”

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