General Daily Insight for September 20, 2024

Today is mired in astrological murk. The Moon in Aries is pushing us along at a dizzying pace as it squares off alchemical Pluto, though things slow down once Luna slips into Taurus. Meanwhile, Venus in Libra will make an uncomfortable quincunx to Uranus, shaking up our value systems. Regardless, solutions will probably be difficult to find when the Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 8:17 pm EDT. We would all be wise to avoid jumping to any conclusions.


March 21 – April 19

It’s dangerously easy to get lost in the details. The Sun in your efficient 6th house is making its annual opposition to foggy Neptune in your mystical 12th house, which could turn your usual routine into a tumble down the rabbit hole. Things that might normally make perfect sense won’t appear that way! Unusual approaches may attract your attention, but “unusual” doesn’t necessarily mean “effective,” so be wary of grasping at potentials rather than realities. Neptune can make everything look good behind rose-colored glasses.


April 20 – May 20

It’s not always easy to follow your heart, no matter how hard you try. Currently, there is cause for some confusion as the Sun in your passionate 5th house opposes Uranus in your communal 11th house. This makes it difficult to know whether to chase your specific bliss or join up with the herd. You may feel like you owe others your time, or that you must play a role to please authorities. Still, make sure you aren’t sacrificing your needs in doing so.


May 21 – June 20

The road ahead doesn’t look as clear as it usually might. You’re focused on your foundations while the Sun rolls through the base of your chart, even as its opposition to Neptune in your ambitious 10th house casts a veil over your goals. Why are you chasing those things in the first place? It’s natural to ask questions or feel a bit lost under this alignment. Instead of worrying about overthinking your ideals and somehow “ruining” them, give yourself permission to wander a bit.


June 21 – July 22

The world is so big that it may seem excessively daunting at present. You might be feeling somewhat dazed by all the options currently available to you, thanks to today’s opposition between the Sun in your local community sector and Neptune in your brave 9th house. Just because you can’t yet settle on a specific direction doesn’t mean the path forward won’t become clear soon enough. Just keep reminding yourself that the universe has plenty of time for you to figure out where you want to be.


July 23 – August 22

Nothing is what it seems right now — as you’d expect, this can quickly complicate your day. There is a frustrating opposition between the Sun in your income sector and Neptune in your shared resources sector. Be cautious regarding any fog around issues of what is yours versus what is mine versus what is ours. You may feel like someone is encroaching on your generosity, or that you are being taken advantage of. Either way, wait for clearer skies before you jump to conclusions.


August 23 – September 22

There’s rarely been a worse day to rely on others. The Sun in your 1st House of the Self is shying away from illusory Neptune in your 7th House of Interdependence, which can create all sorts of confusion with the important people in your life. The more you expect of others or hope that they will save the day in any kind of capacity, the more likely it is that you’ll be disappointed by them. Do your best to rely on yourself for now.


September 23 – October 22

Libra, it’s alright if nothing feels as urgent as you think it should. You’re cosmically clocked out while the Sun rolls through your 12th House of the Subconscious. Plus, the Sun’s opposition to mystical Neptune in your routine-oriented 6th house will potentially make things seem even less pressing. If you have nothing on your plate, you can float along without worry. That said, if you planned a busy day, consider calling a rain check until a time when you’ll be more with it.


October 23 – November 21

There’s nothing wrong with following the herd at a time like this. There is a strange opposition between the Sun in your 11th House of Groups and Neptune in your 5th House of Personal Pleasure. Their missed connection could leave you feeling a little uncertain of what, exactly, you want for yourself. Even if you normally prefer to forge your path, you’ll likely find less resistance if you go with others’ flow for the time being. You can stand out soon enough.


November 22 – December 21

Your foundations may seem somewhat wobbly. You’re focused on moving onward and upward while the Sun tours your 10th House of Reputation, even as its opposition to Neptune in your 4th House of Emotions reminds you of how lonely being off in the stratosphere can get. If you feel like you don’t have proper support, take a step back and ask yourself why that is (and if it’s even true)! Neptune loves to cause confusion, so this may be merely a temporary glitch.


December 22 – January 19

It sounds exciting to go off on an adventure, but the wisest way to do it isn’t going to be very clear. The Sun in your open 9th house is snapping at mysterious Neptune in your communications sector, which could leave you feeling like there is a piece of the puzzle missing. No matter where you look, answers and solutions will probably evade you, thanks to Neptune’s machinations. Avoid chasing after any excitement for the moment, since it won’t pan out as you hope.


January 20 – February 18

Your financial state may seem a bit too nebulous at the moment. There is a confusing opposition between the Sun in your big money 8th house and Neptune in your grounded 2nd house, which could make it difficult to maintain a proper grip on what you’ve got to work with. Figures may not seem to add up, or perhaps there is a mistake somewhere and you’ve been overpaying for a service which you no longer need. Careful inspection can reveal major revelations.


February 19 – March 20

People may simply not understand you for seemingly no reason. Actually, there is a good reason for that! The Sun in your relationship sector is forming an uncomfortable opposition to vaporous Neptune in your whimsical sign. This casts a confusing veil between you and the rest of the world. You’d do well to avoid any important conversations or negotiations, because someone will be missing something — and that person could turn out to be you. Don’t make it easy for yourself to get lost!

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