Moms for America, a Missouri-based national conservative advocacy group that focuses on pro-family issues, went to Capitol Hill last week (Sept. 9-13, 2024) to discuss their opposition to the EATS Act. They say House Bill 4417 and Senate Bill 209 would “hand American pork and other production over to the Chinese multi-national conglomerates like Smithfield and the global meat cartel.”

The Moms pointed out that the  Ending Agriculture Trade Suppressions Act is supported by the National Pork Producers Council and their largest member, Smithfield, who owns one of every six sows in America, and whose purchase was financed by the Chinese Communist Party. The group opposes the EATS Act because it would “upend” state’s rights and cede greater control of America’s agriculture over to China.

“Smithfield’s EATS Act is the greatest threat to food safety and security that Moms for America has seen in the last half a century,” says Moms’ President Kimberly Fletcher.

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