STEVENS POINT, Wisconsin – Multiple labor unions have endorsed Vinnie Miresse for Wisconsin’s 71st Assembly District. 

Stevens Point Fire Fighters (IAFF Local 484), Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 388), LiUNA! (Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council), United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Brotherhood of Maintenance and Way Employes Division (BMWED), Service Employees International Union Wisconsin State Council (SEIU), and Wisconsin State AFL-CIO are among the numerous local and statewide labor unions that have endorsed Miresse in his campaign for Wisconsin State Assembly. 

Miresse has a history of standing with unions and fighting for labor during his time on the Portage County Board. Brian Oberstadt, President of the Portage County Labor Council, wrote: “As a County Board Supervisor, Vinnie has been a tireless advocate for working people. He will make an excellent addition to the Wisconsin State Assembly.” Miresse has pledged to continue to support labor unions should he get elected to the assembly in November. 

Teachers, firefighters, electricians, line workers, construction workers, rail workers, service workers, nurses, doctors, factory workers, and so many other essential professions, know which candidate will represent them in Madison. IBEW Local 388 President, Dean Miller, stated: “[an] International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) endorsement is a reflection of our trust in Vinnie’s ability to lead with integrity, determination and an unwavering commitment to the labor movement, justice, and equality.” 

In a Facebook post celebrating Labor Day, Miresse wrote: “I am a worker and have been my whole life. I stand with workers and workers stand with me. If you’re enjoying your Labor Day, then thank a worker. Thank a union!” For more information about Vinnie Miresse and his campaign go to

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