BROOKINGS, S.D. (KELO) — It’s an exciting day in Brookings for students and staff.

After nearly a year and a half of construction, two new elementary schools in Brookings are ready to go just in time for the new school year.

There’s a buzz in the air in Brookings. Students are in the classroom at the new Hillcrest and Medary Elementary schools.

“The kids’ eyes just light up and they’re so big and they say, ‘Wow, it’s so big in here,'” Hillcrest Elementary principal Shannon Smith said.

Classrooms in both schools are separated by grade in these pod areas. Each student also has their own locker.

“Our students aren’t traveling all over our building. The things that they need are so close to them making that welcome feel. They don’t feel lost in a building,” Smith said.

You can also find new gyms at each school. Both will be open to reservations from the public.

“A place for not only Bobcats to come and practice and play, but I know that our community will have an opportunity to use those facilities for certain things as well,” Medary Elementary principal Chris Gruenhagen said.

Preschoolers also have a place in the new elementary schools. Here they are enjoying their nap time.

“All schools in South Dakota have early childhood special education, but this is the first time in the Brookings Public School District that we have a general education preschool as well. And so all of those students now are being educated together in these beautiful new spaces,” Brookings School District superintended Summer Schultz said.

And students and staff will take full advantage of their new spaces.

“Our construction crews really did a fantastic job of keeping us on schedule and on time. We’re super grateful to be able to have the facilities that we have and be able to serve our learners and community,” Smith said.

The old Hillcrest and Medary Elementary schools were demolished shortly after the end of the last school year.

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