The League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area is sponsoring a program on stormwater management and assessments.

Suburban properties all generate stormwater runoff, some more than others. But how to share the cost fairly? Western Springs Deputy Village Manager Casey Biernacki will help participants understand how their village’s Stormwater Utility Fee was proposed, implemented, and received in their village.

How does the fee equitably assess the cost of runoff,  and then redirect the funds to improve the village stormwater management system? Public Affairs Specialist Patrick Thomas of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District will then zero in on other local stormwater initiatives and regional stormwater management. Villages and local organizations concerned with stormwater management should not miss this presentation!

The program will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on October 8 at the La Grange  Public Library, 10 W. Cossitt Avenue, La Grange, (708) 215-3200.

This event is free of charge and open to the public. For more information, email the League at  [email protected]. Visit website:


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