For any politician, the only thing worse than economic pain for the people is people believing the pain is being inflicted intentionally.

And when it comes to gas prices, that is exactly where the Biden administration is right now.

A new poll has found that most people believe the Biden team is letting gas prices rise intentionally in order to get the country off of fossil fuels.

Breitbart News reports:

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Committee Hearing Liars EDITED OUT FOOTAGE Last Night of Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland’s Death from FROM KEY WITNESS TESTIMONY! See LEAKED VIDEO HERE!!

Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels

Most voters believe the Biden administration is allowing gas prices to rise to force Americans to use less fossil fuel, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Friday found.

The survey asked, “Do you believe the Biden Administration is intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels?”

Most, 53 percent, said “yes,” they believe the Biden administration is allowing it to happen purposely to force Americans to use less fossil fuel. Another 39.6 percent, however, do not believe that is the case, and 7.4 percent are unsure.

Opinions are divided along party lines. Over three-quarters of Republicans, 77.3 percent, and 56.5 percent of independents believe the Biden administration is deliberately allowing gas prices to rise for those purposes. Most Democrats, 68.7 percent, disagree and do not believe the administration is doing so.

The survey was taken May 25-29, 2022, among 1,091 likely general election voters and has a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percent. It comes as gas prices broke yet another record high on Friday, jumping to $4.986 overnight, according to AAA. That reflects a 22 cent rise in the last week and a 61 cent rise in the last month.

Maybe the reason people believe this is because members of the Biden administration keep coming right out and saying it.

You can’t blame people for thinking it’s intentional when members of the Biden administration keep saying it out loud.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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