SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — We all remember the Mosquito takeover a few weeks ago.
Lately, you may have noticed an influx of dragonflies.

Just like the flowers at McKennan Park, dragonflies are part of nature and do no harm.

“They’re just a really important part of our ecosystem. So appreciate them when you see them out here. I know out in the garden center, out in our nursery right now, they’re very active, especially on warm, sunny days,” Laura Kalfs said

You’ll also find them throughout the community, especially this time of year.

“We have lots of habitat for dragonflies to be able to complete their lifecycle. I know we see lots of dragonflies here in Pierre every summer and it’s very cool. They were actually just flying around in my backyard last night,” Amanda Bachmann said

“This is the time of year where you’re going to start to see them in your lawns and landscape. They’re a great predator of mosquitoes and a lot of our other insects in the yard. Actually, dragonflies are one of the top predators in the insect world for eating a lot of those other bugs and insects in our yards,” Laura Kalfs said.

“They’re really pretty. They look really cool. And, you know, they eat a bunch of mosquitoes and they’re just kind of neat to have around,” Amanda Bachmann said

So if you see a dragonfly, take in its beauty and keep moving. A couple of fun facts about dragonflies.

Just one of them can eat hundreds of mosquitoes in a single day. They can also fly 30 miles per hour.

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