Emory University has put out a call for arts leaders to participate in a pilot program to take place in July and August. Participants in Leading in the Arts After 2020 will gain insight from faculty experts in Emory’s Goizueta Business School and College of Arts & Sciences, together with visionary leaders from across the arts and creative industry. Participation in the four half-day sessions is free of charge to individuals nominated by their organization. Sessions will be conducted virtually.

The goal is to explore how arts organizations can respond most effectively to the tectonic shifts that have transformed the arts landscape in the past two years: calls for racial reckoning and just representation in leadership, participation and programming; the shift to global, online marketplaces for the arts in response to the Covid pandemic; and the fragmenting of American society in our increasingly polarized climate.

The organizers hope to spark discussion and collective experimentation that will help arts leaders find just and sustaining paths to thrive and grow.

Programming, Engaging and Managing for Change on July 14 will be facilitated by David Schweidel, professor of marketing, Emory Goizueta Business School and Ariel Fristoe, lecturer in arts management, Emory College, and artistic director, Out of Hand Theater. They will be joined by Miranda Kyle, arts and culture program manager for the Atlanta BeltLine.

The Business of Art on July 28 will be facilitated by Giacomo Negro, professor of organization and management, Emory Goizueta Business School, joined by Chandra Stephens-Albright, managing director of True Colors Theatre.

Marketing Strategy for the Arts on August 12 will be facilitated by Marina Cooley, lecturer in marketing and Morgan Ward, assistant professor of marketing, both from Emory Goizueta Business School, joined by Saskia Benjamin, executive director of Art Papers, and Yu-Kai Lin, owner of Kai Lin Art gallery.

The Patron Journey on August 25 will be facilitated by Schweidel, joined by Jennifer Barlament, executive director, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Doug Shipman, president, Atlanta City Council.

For more information, email [email protected]

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