President Biden issued a statement after Trump’s RNC acceptance speech fiasco that showed that the president is giving no indication of stepping aside.

President Biden said:

Last night the American people saw the same Donald Trump they rejected four years ago. For over 90 minutes, he focused on his own grievances, with no plan to unite us and no plan to make life better for working people. He avoided mentioning his Project 2025 agenda, but still proudly flaunted the worst of MAGA extremism. Americans know exactly where he wants to take this country. They know that he inflicted pain and cruelty on the women of America by overturning Roe v Wade. They know that he destroyed our economy once and will inflict pain on the middle class, that he wants to gut the checks and balances of our Constitution and rule as a dictator on day one.

Donald Trump’s dark vision for the future is not who we are as Americans. Together, as a party and as a country, we can and will defeat him at the ballot box. I look forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week to continue exposing the threat of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda while making the case for my own record and the vision that I have for America: one where we save our democracy, protect our rights and freedoms, and create opportunity for everyone.

The stakes are high, and the choice is clear. Together, we will win.

It has been made clear over the last few days that the movement to get rid of Biden is coming from House Democrats, and according to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, those Democrats are getting pressure from their big-money donors. 

The Democratic Party isn’t in crisis as much as House Democrats are creating a crisis for the rest of the party.

The reality is that the convention is roughly one month. Early voting begins in two months. The time to have this conversation was last year.

The reason why House Democrats are acting like this now is because the House is going to be mostly out of session and working a very light schedule so that members can campaign beginning in August. The schedule that House Democrats are most worried about isn’t one that is good for the country, or their party, but their desire to keep their seats and win back the majority.

There is no sign in Biden’s statement that he’s planning on going anywhere, so it is time for these coup plotters to give it up, and start thinking about getting back on board with the rest of the Democratic Party to win in November.


Jason Easley
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