arizona senate

On Wednesday, Arizona Senate Democrats tried to force a vote on a gun control bill, knowing full well that they did not have the votes to pass it. The bill, SB1546, had not gone through the proper legislative process and had never been heard in any committee.

The bill would require all firearms sales and transfers of ownership to be conducted by licensed firearms dealers. Inserting government involvement into private transfers has long been a goal of Congressional Democrats, who have attempted to “close” the so-called “gun show loophole” in current law. The idea is to force all transfers through dealers who would then be required to perform federal checks before a sale is allowed to be completed.

The idea has long been opposed by 2nd Amendment advocates who oppose the federal government’s involvement in the exercise of a Constitutional right. These bills would even require federal authorities to approve transfers of guns from one family member to another.

In an appearance on KFYI’s James T. Harris show, Sen. Warren Petersen explain his opposition to the bill. “I vote No so good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns,” said Petersen.

“The reason why this bill should not be supported is because it will stop law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves,” Petersen during the debate on the bill. “Criminals will not abide by this law. Only law-abiding citizens will abide by this law.”

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