Reports have surfaced indicating Donald Trump is considering Representative Elise Stefanik as a potential running mate in 2024.

Sources told CNN that the former President likes the New York congresswoman whom they describe as a “moderate-turned-MAGA star.”

“Conversations about adding Stefanik to a future Trump ticket have gained steam in recent weeks at Mar-a-Lago and in other Republican circles,” the media outlet is reporting.

Sources close to Trump reportedly point out Stefanik has become “a fierce and loyal attack dog,” and that the ticket “would benefit from tapping a woman for vice president” should he run again in 2024.

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Elise Stefanik Replaced Liz Cheney With Trump’s Endorsement

Elise Stefanik was tapped to replace Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the number three Republican in the House after the former neglected her party principles and focused exclusively on denigrating Donald Trump.

Stefanik became conference chair in May of 2021 thanks in part to Trump’s endorsement.

The former President offered his “complete and total endorsement for GOP Conference Chair,” adding that she is “a tough and smart communicator.”

After being named Cheney’s replacement, Stefanik thanked Trump.

“I believe that voters determine the leader of the Republican Party and President Trump is the leader that they look to,” she praised at the time.

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A Curious Choice

Elise Stefanik first caught the eye of President Trump during his first impeachment hearings where she vehemently defended him from the specious claims being made by Democrats.

She earned personal praise from the former President and record-breaking fundraising for her reelection based on those efforts.

Still, her choice as running mate seems curious. She’s far less of a conservative based on her record than Mike Pence, and we saw how that relationship went.

Trump recently blasted Pence for exhibiting insufficient loyalty, calling him a “disappointment.”

Stefanik has a more liberal voting record than even Cheney, according to a Fox News analysis.

“According to a tool on the FiveThirtyEight website on ‘Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump,’ Cheney voted with Trump 92.9% of the time compared to 77.7% for Stefanik.”

That could be more a function of having to represent a district in liberal New York where one sometimes has to pick their battles.

More recently, she voted in favor of $40 billion in aid to Ukraine even as Americans are currently struggling. It is a bill Trump called “a national disgrace.”

That said, Stefanik has been a vocal supporter of Trump throughout his administration and was also key in recruiting more GOP women to run in 2020.

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