Nice try, Dad. Again.

On May 28, Dwayne Johnson offered fans another adorable glimpse at his life with his kids, sharing on Instagram a video of himself with his youngest daughter Tiana Gia Johnson, 4, enjoying a tea party with her stuffed bunny. The Rock also took the opportunity to give an update on where she stands regarding his exhaustive quest to make her believe he is in fact the voice of Maui in Disney’s Moana: Tia is just not buying it.

“Man these daddy/daughter/bunny tea parties have a special way of kinda putting life into real perspective,” Dwayne wrote. “My ‘why’ becomes even more clear. She just turned 4 and probably won’t remember this, but I sure will. And she still refuses to believe that her daddy is actually MAUI from one of her favorite @disney movies, MOANA! She always says, ‘Daddy, you’re not Maui, you’re The Rock.'”

The actor’s video is set to Amos Lee‘s 2006 song “Sweet Pea.”

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