The struggle is real for local families trying to feed their babies. Now scammers are preying on them online like Facebook and Craigslist, to try and trick families into buying formula and not receiving it. Carol Claussen is a stay-at-home mother of three, most recently NICU twins. Staying away from scammers she spends her time searching store by store for baby formula.”I put those orders in and loaded up my two babies and my 3-year-old and we went driving around and picked up this formula,” Claussen said. “We spent the better part of our morning and afternoon just driving around the city and picking up formula.”Three hours, driving more than 70 miles and more than five stores. The twins are on a special formula for prematurity that takes more calories than regular store formula. The formula shortages now spilling over into non-similac brands.“While that formula was not affected by the recall it was very hard to find. So we switched to just plain store brand formulas shouldn’t be anything difficult to find — but it is,” she said. Claussen normally goes through a tub and a half of formula in one feeding day. Now one tub must last two days for the twins. “Obviously I don’t want to see the other moms struggling but it is so nice that when the world is going crazy that we as moms are coming together and really fighting for each other,” Claussen said.

The struggle is real for local families trying to feed their babies. Now scammers are preying on them online like Facebook and Craigslist, to try and trick families into buying formula and not receiving it.

Carol Claussen is a stay-at-home mother of three, most recently NICU twins. Staying away from scammers she spends her time searching store by store for baby formula.

“I put those orders in and loaded up my two babies and my 3-year-old and we went driving around and picked up this formula,” Claussen said. “We spent the better part of our morning and afternoon just driving around the city and picking up formula.”

Three hours, driving more than 70 miles and more than five stores. The twins are on a special formula for prematurity that takes more calories than regular store formula. The formula shortages now spilling over into non-similac brands.

“While that formula was not affected by the recall it was very hard to find. So we switched to just plain store brand formulas shouldn’t be anything difficult to find — but it is,” she said.

Claussen normally goes through a tub and a half of formula in one feeding day. Now one tub must last two days for the twins.

“Obviously I don’t want to see the other moms struggling but it is so nice that when the world is going crazy that we as moms are coming together and really fighting for each other,” Claussen said.

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