Tony Wan is the Head of Platform for Reach Capital. He is also one of the Co-Founders of EdSurge. He rejoins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about what it’s like to write and think about venture capital in Ed Tech at a time when AI is everywhere.

We begin by hearing Tony’s thoughts on writing while experimenting with GPT where he was able to train a bot to write like him. What does this mean for writing? Is it about the product or the process? From there, we explore his latest article exploring the cooling of EdTech investment in the first half of 2023. What’s driving these trends and how does it relate to AI, Web 3, and AR/VR? Tony highlights two Ed Tech companies that are catching his eye and we conclude with his thoughts on how AI might be able to help solve big problems around durable skills and well-being. As we provide some perspective about the future of work, Tony suggests we check out Benedict Evans’ article on the automation of work. Don’t miss this insightful interview with a prominent thought leader in educational technology and venture investing.

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