If you need a little more convincing before you shop, check out these rave reviews. 

Coach Nolita 19 Reviews

A shopper declared, “Perfect mini bag. This bag holds so much more than I expect. It can hold my phone, small wallet, hair clip, lip products, and a mini sunscreen. It goes very well with many outfits which is something I look for in every bag.”

Another shared, “Went to a concert bought this bag. So simple and comfortable. Id’s, phone and sanitizer.Simple and small.”

Someone reviewed, “My Coach is perfect. I will definitely rock the ballads with my beautiful piece. Satisfaction is what defines me with this beautiful bag of mine.”

“I made this purchase several months ago so happy I did its just the right size to fit my phone credit cards identification and key lipgloss. Not heavy on my shoulders or heavy to carry,” a reviewer wrote.

Looking for more great bags? You’ll love these 35 belt bags under $35.

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