Fendi can easily lay claim to some of the most iconic and recognizable handbags in the world. From the brand’s Peekaboo style to its nostalgic ’90s Baguette, it’s fair to say that when it comes to investment bags, you can always rely on Fendi to deliver.

But searching for your dream designer bag isn’t always easy. Like any great It piece, it can reach a cult status, resulting in a surge in demand, which usually leads to a sellout. But we can happily report that some of the brand’s most coveted styles—all handpicked by experts—are still in stock and perfect for recharging your wardrobe for the year ahead. To uncover which Fendi styles are the smartest buys both now and in the long run, we spoke to experts from four of the top luxury resale platforms, Rebag, The RealReal, Vestiaire Collective, and Fashionphile. 

Ahead, discover why our panel of handbag experts insists that these 11 are the best Fendi bags to invest in. Go ahead—dig into the data and shop our picks of each style.

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