Sen. Lindsey Graham appears to be struggling with Donald Trump’s criminal indictment as he advised Trump to smash windows and punch a cop.

Graham tweeted:

Sen. Graham should test his theory by going to New York to commit some robberies, engage in some property damage, and top it off by punching some cops.

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Of course, Graham was being sarcastic as the point is that New York is soft on real criminals but going after poor little Donald Trump, who just so happens to be under multiple criminal investigations across the country.

The defenses of Trump that Republicans have offered so far have varied from weak to non-existant.

Sen. Graham was virtually crying on Fox News as he discussed Trump’s indictment with Sean Hannity on Thursday night.

Republicans in Congress can’t do anything to help Trump. All they can do is spin the false narrative of a political prosecution and hope that it catches on, but if Lindsey Graham is any measure of how Republicans are taking Trump’s indictment, things are not going well.



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