Dinesh D’Souza is claiming that Newsmax is refusing to cover his widely debunked claims of ballot fraud in his movie 2000 Mules.

D’Souza tweeted:

2000 Mules Fails A Fact Check

The Denver Post fact-checked the movie and found:

Praised by former President Donald Trump as exposing “great election fraud,” the movie, called “2000 Mules,” paints an ominous picture suggesting Democrat-aligned ballot “mules” were supposedly paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

But that’s based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts.

Newsmax Was Sued For 2020 Election Lies

Newsmax already had to issue an apology and a retraction after being sued for pushing the Dominion voting machines lie, so they definitely don’t want to go near D’Souza’s movie which is right-wing propaganda designed to undermine the democratic electoral process.

Newsmax got burned once, so they are not going near the big lie again

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