Don Lemon will not be returning to air until he completes formal training due to his “sexist” remarks about Nikki Haley, according to the network’s boss.

The network’s chief executive, Chris Licht, announced that Lemon is expected to return on Wednesday in an email to employees Monday night.

Lemon sparked massive outrage within his company and the public after he said that women in their 40s and 50s were past their prime.

The panel was talking about how Haley had called for mental competency tests for politicians over 75.

Lemon argued that Haley should be careful making that argument, as a woman is only “considered to be in their prime in 20s and 30s and maybe 40s.”

According to reports, multiple female staff members threatened to quit their jobs if Lemon was not fired over the remarks.

Lemon was noticeably absent from the morning show on Monday.

In an email to employees obtained by KTVZ, Licht wrote that he had “sat down with Don and had a frank and meaningful conversation.”

“He has agreed to participate in formal training, as well as continuing to listen and learn. We take this situation very seriously,” Licht continued.

Licht concluded by saying that “it is important to me that CNN balances accountability with a fostering a culture in which people can own, learn and grow from their mistakes. To that end, Don will return to CNN This Morning on Wednesday.”

Before Monday’s memo, Licht called Lemon’s comments “upsetting, unacceptable and unfair to his co-hosts, and ultimately a huge distraction to the great work of this organization.”

Lemon apologized to his coworkers during Friday’s daily editorial meeting, but many women were unsatisfied and doubted his sincerity.

“I believe that women of any age… can do whatever they set their minds to,” Lemon said.

“The people I am closest to in this organization are women,” Lemon added. “The people I seek counsel from most in this organization are women.”

Lemon has not appeared on air since the incident.

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