WHO: Lauren Burke, Founder of Cafe Society NY

For those who are unfamiliar with your work, how long have you been in the fashion industry?

LB: I have been in the fashion industry for the last ten years, working with various brands, from lifestyle to luxury. My most recent position before Cafe Society was with KCD, a global Public Relations firm specializing in media relations, production, digital, VIP Services, and more. I was the Associate Digital Manager at the New York office and managed digital campaigns, social media strategy, influencer relations, and consulting.


How did you realize that you wanted to start your label? 

LB: For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to have my own label. My father has been in the garment industry for over 45 years, so I grew up around the industry and continually spent my summer days with his designers practicing my sketches.


It’s no secret that there are so many brands out there, but for you, what did you feel was missing in the market before you started your label? What do you hope to bring to the industry? 

LB: When exploring categories within the fashion industry that were true to my personality and style, I recognized a gap in the market for elevated yet attainable hats that were made with the utmost quality and detail. My goal with Cafe Society is for consumers to begin investing in pieces that are made to be durable and timeless.

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