Competition is a common denominator in Pat Lundvall’s life. Her competitive instincts were honed from an early age as the middle child in a family of thirteen, and as a natural-born competitor, Lundvall feels fortunate that a career in litigation found her.
Lundvall helps businesses by working to protect their legal rights and interests when other businesses infringe upon them. Along with other members of the McDonald Carano firm, Lundvall recently represented three of Nevada’s emergency room health care providers against the largest health insurance company in the world. They were successful in obtaining a $62.5 million judgment for these frontline workers for the services they provided to our community.
In addition to her pro bono legal work, Lundvall supports the Nevada Military Support Alliance, which was co-founded by her late husband after the first Nevada soldier lost his life during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. The organization works to pay an immediate death benefit to the families of every Nevada soldier who lost his or her life in military service to our nation.