This past week, members of the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees received classified briefings on a topic that rises above mere national security, into interplanetary security and our deepest philosophical questions.  

These efforts are an attempt to get to the bottom of the military reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), or what the rest of us call UFOs.

It shouldn’t be shocking to any of us that it seems as though the Pentagon is less-than-interested in what they are charged to do by Congress.

Which, by itself, should raise questions about what they know.

Slow Rolling Congress

The National Defense Authorization Act signed in December required the Pentagon to create the Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office.

In addition, the Pentagon was given carte blanche to use “any resource, capability, asset, or process” to investigate UAPs.

With this new office, an “intelligence collection and analysis plan should be developed to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the technical and operational characteristics, origins, and intentions of the unidentified aerial phenomenon.” 

Perhaps most importantly, the Pentagon must provide an annual report and semi-annual briefings to Congress on all UAP incidents such as “associated with military nuclear assets, including strategic nuclear weapons, nuclear-powered ships, and submarines.”

In other words, incidents involving possibly our very national survival.

So lawmakers received a briefing, and let’s just say they were underwhelmed by either the Pentagon’s incuriosity, or reticence to disclose, or both. The consensus was that they were unimpressed with the lack of effort to determine the aircraft’s origins.

Instead, what they received was apparently merely an acknowledgement of their existence, which we already knew, thanks mainly to Luis Elizondo. 

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Can We Handle The Truth?

An aide for Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said that his overall feeling of the Pentagon’s report was:

“They are not moving fast enough, not doing enough, not sharing enough.”

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) also was frustrated according to aides, but most vocal was Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) who spoke directly to reporters regarding the briefing. 

“I don’t trust the Department of Defense to get this right since leadership there has always been part of a cover-up.”

He went on to say that:

“It is clear from the public evidence that we don’t have full control of our airspace.”

Those are some strong statements to make – and if true, should shake our notion of security to its core.

One implies that the Department of Defense can’t be trusted with this subject, if not others. And we have a major national security issue of unknown (or, known but undisclosed) origins.

So let’s dissect a bit Congressman Burchett’s incredible statements.

Wait, Who Is In Charge Again?

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks directed the creation of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group to oversee the efforts required by the NDAA. At hand is a need to standardize UAP incident reporting, collection, and analysis. Within the memo, she directed the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security USD (I&S) with this task.

Where have we heard of that office before?

That’s right, that’s the same office formerly headed up by Garry Reid. The same Reid who was dismissed after investigations revealed he was carrying on inappropriate relationships with his subordinate, misusing his email and authority, and attempting to discredit Luis Elizondo.

Read More about Garry Reid here

The latter, Elizondo, worked on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which fell under Reid’s purview. There is also speculation that the individual who has replaced Reid at USD (I&S) is his former subordinate.

So it doesn’t seem like this office has a lot of credibility in this area and doesn’t promote confidence in the seriousness that the Pentagon takes this office, let alone professionalism in the workplace.

That needs to change if we’re going to get answers.

Luis Elizondo had the following to say when we asked him how he felt about this office being in charge:

“I vehemently applaud the idea of a centralized office to assess UAP related data provided that the individuals assigned that responsibility are committed to see through Congress’ intent as prescribed by the recent law enacted concerning this topic. However, critical to its success will be ensuring that individuals who have been historically opposed to this effort not be given the ability to interfere with it solely based on the topic’s perceived stigma or conflicts to personal philosophies. Ultimately, it is up to this new organization to represent the voice of Congress and the American people. As for now, it’s too early to tell if that voice has been truly heard.”

Of note and less related to little green men and more Earthbound, this same office was responsible for the Afghanistan Crisis Action Group, accountable for screening and resettling Afghans who worked with American troops.

We all know how well that went; surely, they can handle tracking and analyzing potential space invaders.

I’m not worried. You’re worried. I’ll just be over here researching a missile silo bunker for me to move my family to when the invasion begins; I’ve seen Independence Day.

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In All Seriousness…

All joking aside, why does the Pentagon refuse to take this issue seriously? Is it because they are hiding something? Is it because they think they are above the law? Is it because they are too inept to take it seriously? Congressman Burchett believes:

“There’s an arrogance in government at that level that we cannot handle what’s going on out there. It’s a bogus cover-up. It doesn’t fit and it’s about power and control.”

He went on to say:

“It’s not a tinfoil hat thing anymore.”

No doubt something is flying around our skies, checking out at a minimum our nuclear capabilities. What it is, I don’t know. But just in case, I better get some tinfoil.

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