The holiday season used to be a time of great joy and fellowship among family and friends. A time to reflect on the year, appreciate the good things, and look onward to a new year full of optimism and wonder.

Now the holiday season is all about virtue signaling and hitching your wagon to the latest victimhood cult to feel special about ourselves without actually doing anything special. Unfortunately, this year is no different, with the left-wing special interest groups falling over themselves to tell you how you are a terrible person for merely existing.

The latest move comes from none other than the American Civil Liberties Union, which had chapters from coast to coast preaching about the evil sin that is Thanksgiving. 

Native Land

The ACLU of Virginia tweeted out on Thanksgiving a reminder to all of us daring to live our lives in this country a vast majority of us were born in:


To make sure they drove home the point, they wrote it a total of ten times. Sometimes a statement is so nice it’s not enough to say it once or twice; sometimes, you have to blast that nonsense out into the Twitterverse numerous times and in caps.

Because capital letters denote seriousness, as we all know. 

The loud tweet followed by the hilarious and legitimate responses brings up an interesting theory; whose land really is it that any of us reside on? 

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Take It Way Back

If you ask the ACLU, the land that is currently the property of the Red, White, and Blue “belongs” to the Native Americans. The ACLU Washington Executive Director Michele Storms wrote:

“As we commemorate Indigenous Peoples’ Day this year, I invite all of us to understand more deeply than ever before that we live, work, and play on the occupied territory of Indigenous Peoples.”

Now that is interesting. According to mainstream theories, the first people to inhabit this land mass migrated across a land bridge between Alaska and Siberia some 13,000 years ago. 

There is even some speculation in the archaeology community that the first inhabitants of North America came over long before this particular group to the tune of some 25,000 years ago. Curious how many indigenous people today can confidently trace their roots to these OGs of native-ness.

Based on what the ACLU is trying to peddle, if you can’t trace your ancestors to the original inhabitants of where you currently reside, you are akin to the evil conquerors of the land. But the reality is we more than likely can all trace our genealogy back to conquerors and conquered.

As The World Turns

The brutal truth is since the beginning of time, man has moved from one place to another, often displacing others that reside in areas they wish to inhabit. (Just ask Neanderthal man. Oh wait, you can’t. He’s extinct.)

It’s also true that since the beginning of time, man has been pushed out of their home because some other man has decided they want what is theirs.

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Such was the nature of man up until relatively recently; to be honest. But we still see it; look to the Middle East and eastern Europe. Does this mean we should all be apologizing to one another for our ancestor’s sins? 

The ACLU Virginia chapter thinks so. According to them:

“It’s important to reflect on the native land, native people, & complex history that continue to shape our communities.”

I am not arguing for erasing history or painting our past with a rose-colored shade. But this obsession with labeling history and, in particular, focusing solely on the evils inflicted by white men in history is getting out of hand.

Glass Houses

It has become easy to forget that war, slavery, and lust for power are not unique to one race. For example, Native Americans often fought among the tribes, and often those battles were fought over land possession.

Some southern Native Americans even dabbled in the slave trade, buying and selling African slaves just as the colonists had done. 

And as Dee Brown recounts in her seminal Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, some native tribes were often engaged in the kidnap and enslavement of Mexicans. 

But, interestingly, we don’t seem to spend an excessive amount of time thinking and talking about any of that. Nor should we. It happened, and it happened in almost every single culture that has ever roamed this planet.

So if conquering people, taking their lands, and enslaving their people was pervasive throughout all cultures, why is there this need to focus on only certain aspects of this historic truth?

And whose land is it, anyway? Did Americans “steal” the land of the Lakota, who migrated into land occupied by the Cheyenne, which forced the latter to move West? Was it wrong for the Lakota to do so? To “steal native land,” as it were?

Has the ACLU mourned the Cheyenne’s loss of their land at the hand of the Sioux? Do we need to start teaching kids about Lakota Guilt? 

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A Strange Addiction

If you are a fan of my writing, you can guess I have a theory about what has caused this bizarre societal fascination with white guilt and shame. Besides the fact that I think, in general, we’ve just all become a bit dumber with each generation, I believe we’ve allowed ourselves to get addicted to the feeling of helplessness.

See, if you fit the minority narrative of the left, then automatically, no matter what you’ve done or not done for that matter with your life, you can’t be held responsible for your actions or inactions, I suppose. You were born a victim; you always will be a victim; it’s in your blood and your skin, so there is no point in trying.

It’s a rather freeing concept when you think about it—no need to try for anything, which means no need to feel the all-important sting of failure. 

If you are white, no matter what you believe in your heart and mind, you will always be a racist, conqueror, or oppressor because it’s in your blood and your skin. And what a luscious feeling of masochistic release to proclaim to the world how bad you feel for being white.

Give me a break. So how do we break out of this cycle?

Do Hard Things, And Do Them Again

It was once considered a good thing to be your own person and not let just one thing define who you are. Not anymore.

You must stay within your assigned labels now; white, black, gay, trans, right-wing, or left-wing. When did we become so basic and so dull?

If you think about all this virtue signaling from the left, it all contradicts itself. Don’t be proud to be an American because if you’re white, you stole this country from the Native Americans. Which ones, we don’t know, but it doesn’t matter!

But at the same time, don’t close the border because we should welcome everyone regardless of where they are from, especially if they aren’t from here.

So Native Americans suffered the ultimate sin, but let’s go ahead and bring in non-Native Americans with no fundamental concept of the consequences behind such a ludicrous policy.

The hard thing isn’t talking about our complex history. The hard thing would be to make something of yourself and decide who you are as an individual.

The hard thing isn’t to live in your white guilt or accept your inherent obstacles as a minority. The hard thing is not to let history dictate who you are and who you become. 

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