Why do I already feel behind on summer travel when the official first day of the season hasn’t even arrived? I blame it on my friends who have been gallivanting around Europe and posting up a storm on Instagram and TikTok, leaving me with a healthy dose of FOMO. Thankfully, I have exciting plans coming up very soon: I’m traveling to the Andalucía region of Spain on a work trip.

I’ve never been to this area of Spain before, so I’m thrilled to see new sights. While I like traveling to big cities (I have a soft spot for Copenhagen), I thrive when I stay in small towns. I’m like a moth to a flame when it comes to quaint, picturesque villages—one visit and I’m suddenly questioning why the heck I live in smog-filled Los Angeles. Naturally, half the fun of a trip is figuring out what to pack, so I wanted to share my Spanish wish list here. Scroll down to shop my selections.