Recently someone told me my outfit looked “sophisticated” and, honestly, it’s probably the greatest compliment I’ve received (pertaining to my style at least). Ever since, I’ve been thinking a lot about what goes into creating a classy-looking outfit, keen to identify patterns to discern how I might be able to ensure I dress that way again in the future. Those thoughts turned into active research as I took to Instagram with the goal of unearthing a selection of sophisticated outfit ideas to reference when assembling my own.

In doing so, I found several ensembles that fall under this refined category and, yes, I was able to identify some common threads. One thing that’s evident is that many of the outfits include chic accessories; pieces that elevate even the most humdrum of wardrobe basics. I can also help if you stick to a honed palette. While brighter colours can look elevated also, if you’re in any doubt or want an easy-to-copy blueprint, this is good place to start.