Beauty is all around during springtime. While we love all the seasons, there is just something about blooming flowers, scurrying animals and insects, clear skies, and rainbows that makes us feel inspired! Get really creative and let nature be your instrument (e.g., okra stamping) or media (e.g., stones for painting). You can even incorporate your favorite springtime elements into your next ELA, science, or math lesson. Check out our list of favorite spring crafts for kids.

1. Number bond rainbow

A blue cloud is made from construction paper with a number 10 on it and cotton balls around the edges. Different colored strips are hanging down from the cloud with equations on them that equal ten (spring crafts for kids)

A blue construction cloud has a 10 in it. There are cotton balls around it and rainbow colored strips coming down from it with different equations that equal 10 on them.

Spring crafts for kids can be both educational and beautiful. Have students write different equations that equal the chosen number on different-colored strips of card stock, then have them assemble their rainbows. These will look pretty on display around your classroom while reinforcing important math concepts!

Learn more: Simply Kinder

2. Springy flowers

Springy spring flowers craft made of folded paper.

Turn this fun craft into a botany lesson by having your students study different flowers before choosing which ones they want to re-create. While they can create their flowers themselves, they might need help with their bouncy stems.

Learn more: PBS

3. Origami flowers

a pink, blue, yellow, and purple origami tulip is glued to white paper with a green stem drawn beneath them (spring crafts for kids)

We love that this project can be a social studies lesson too since it incorporates origami, the ancient Japanese art of folding paper. First, have students create their flowers, then have them glue or tape them to paper and draw simple stems. Be sure to have a variety of origami paper on hand so students can really personalize their flowers.

Learn more: Toucan Box

4. Rainbow poems

Two clouds are bookends for rainbows. Each color of the rainbow has a different line of a poem hand written on it.

Since April is National Poetry Month, we can’t think of a better time to incorporate this rainbow poem into your ELA lessons.

Learn more: Proud To Be Primary

5. Grass hair

A cup has soil in it with grass growing out of the top. A face has been made on the front of the cup.

A science lesson that doubles as a craft—yes, please! Your students will definitely get a kick out of watching their cup person’s hair grow longer and longer each day.

Learn more: Little Bins for Little Hands

6. Woven rainbow

A paper plate is painted blue with white clouds. A rainbow has been woven in the center using different color yarn (spring crafts for kids)

While we normally would encourage teachers to save money, you will want to invest in some sturdy paper plates for this project. First, have students paint their plates with a sky and some clouds. Next, have them cut slits into the top and string their rainbow’s base. Finally, have them weave their rainbow.

Learn more: Pink Stripey Socks

7. Cardboard rainmaker

A child's hand is shown holding a brightly decorated rainmaker made from a cardboard tube.

Ask your students’ caregivers to send in a paper towel roll (or two) the week before you plan to do this craft. First, have your students mix corn and rice together for the inside of their rainmaker. Be sure to also have them create the tinfoil tube to make the sound of rain as realistic as possible! Finally, let their imaginations run wild as they decide how to decorate them.

Learn more: Pink Stripey Socks

8. Paper plate snail

A paper plate is cute into a swirl shape to be a snail. It is painted in bright colored spots.

This is the perfect craft to work on your students’ cutting skills since they will have to get their swirl shape just right to create the body of their snail. Have them paint their paper plate snails using cotton balls dipped in paint before they cut. Finally, glue on the googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae.

Learn more: Kids Activities Blog

9. Seed mosaic flower

flowers are assembled from seeds.

This is a great project for older students since it will take quite a bit of patience and preparation. The end result is sophisticated and will make for the perfect Mother’s Day gift. We also love the idea of teaching about various types of seeds before crafting with them.

Learn more: Woodlark Blog

10. Ladybug stone

A stone is painted to look like a ladybug and is placed in a garden (spring crafts for kids)

First, go on a nature walk and have your students select the perfect rock to paint. Then, have them create their adorable lady bugs, but be sure to use acrylic paint so they can be placed outside without the paint washing away.

Learn more: Fireflies and Mudpies

11. Hyacinth flower

Two hyacinth flowers are made from present bows and green cardstock for the stems.

Take this opportunity to teach your students about the perennial flowers hyacinths. We especially love spring crafts for kids that are easy to re-create with simple objects like the bows used here.

Learn more: Preschool Play and Learn

12. Q-tip lamb

A little lamb is constructed from the heads of q-tips as wool (spring crafts for kids)

This is another craft that is perfect for older kids since they will need patience to cut and glue all their Q-tip heads to create the lamb’s woolly coat. The end result is just oh so sweet!

Learn more: One Little Project

13. Tissue paper bluebirds

blue birds are assembled from googley eyes and blue tissue paper. A nest is made from brown easter grass.

You’ll need brown Easter grass, blue tissue paper, googly eyes, yellow and blue construction paper, a paper plate, and some glue to bring this craft to life. Before beginning, read your students some of your favorite books on birds.

Learn more: Crafty Morning

14. Coffee filter butterflies

Four butterflies are assemled fom coffee filters and pipe cleaners (spring crafts for kids)

Some spring crafts for kids take longer to create, but they are often the ones that offer the biggest reward. While you will have to take breaks in between dying your coffee filters and assembling your butterflies, we think they are totally worth it!

Learn more: First Palette

15. Pom-pom caterpillars

Caterpillars are made from pom poms on green cardstock.

You could do this craft before the coffee filter butterfly craft as a way of teaching about a butterfly’s life cycle. Provide your students with a wide variety of pom-poms so they can be as creative as they wish in creating their adorable caterpillars!

Learn more: Mommy Made That

16. Stained-glass flowers

A flower is made from colored tin foil on a black background (spring crafts for kids)

How gorgeous is this stained-glass flower made from tinfoil, markers, and black card stock? We think this would make the perfect gift for someone special in your students’ lives.

Learn more: Bright Hub Education

17. Sticky note flowers

Flowers are made from rolled up different colored sticky notes (spring crafts for kids)

This is such a creative use for sticky notes that we couldn’t keep it off our list! Emphasize pattern making by having your students create their petals with repeating colors.

Learn more: Kids Craft Room

18. Egg carton chicks

chicks are made from cut up, painted egg carton pieces.

Egg cartons are such a simple object, yet they provide endless opportunities for cute spring crafts for kids. This chick craft is certainly no exception!

Learn more: Typically Simple

19. Play dough flower counting

Engage your students’ senses while also working on their counting skills and number recognition. Make your own play dough or buy some if time is a concern.

Learn more: Messy Little Monster

20. Magazine flowers

flower shapes are covered in magazine pieces that form a collage.

Before beginning your craft, take the opportunity to teach your students about the history of collage in art. Provide your students with plenty of newspapers, magazines, and other paper forms that they can use to create their flowers.

Learn more: Aha for Kids

21. Bunny mask

a bunny mask is made from cut up paper plates and holes in it (spring crafts for kids)

This cute bunny mask can mostly be made from materials you already have on hand since you will only need paper plates, pink paint or construction paper, yarn, and a few pink pom-poms. Once finished, have your students put on their masks and do the bunny hop for a fun movement break!

Learn more: Preschool Crafts 101

22. Okra stamps

An okra is used as a stamp to make paint prints on brown paper.

We can’t think of a better idea than to create a spring craft using something from nature like okra! Use okra slices and paint to create pretty stamps on fabric or paper.

Learn more: First Palette

23. Clothespin dragonfly

A dragonfly is constructed from a clothespin with gems on it and pipe cleaners for wings (spring crafts for kids)

These dragonflies are adorable, and with enough variety of pipe cleaners, gems, and colored clothespins, the possibilities are endless.

Learn more: Messy Little Monster

24. Wood slice ornaments

Purchase some wood slice ornaments like these and then let your students paint their favorite scene from nature on them. Finally, seal them with varnish.

Learn more: Feeling Nifty

25. Pinwheels

Four different pastel colored pinwheels are shown. The text reads Easy Spring Pinwheels.

First, have your students paint squares of paper that will eventually form the pinwheels. After letting them dry, cut slits in them and form the pinwheel shape. Finally, attach them to a pencil by inserting a pin into the eraser.

Learn more: Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas

Love crafting? Try these 25 Fun and Easy Nature Crafts and Activities.

Plus, these scavenger hunts will keep kids busy both indoors and out.

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