PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — Ten Democrats and one Republican have withdrawn their candidacies for election to the South Dakota Legislature.

The withdrawal deadline was 5 p.m. Tuesday.

County political parties have the option to choose replacement candidates. So far, two of the Democrats have been replaced.

The replacement filing deadline is 5 p.m. August 13.

House District 20 has an unusual situation. Three of the four candidates have withdrawn, including Republican incumbent Ben Krohmer, who officially left the race on Tuesday. None of the three so far has been replaced. Davison, Jerauld, Miner and Sanborn counties comprise the district.

Secretary of State Monae Johnson must notify county auditors no later than 5 p.m. August 20 of the final lists of candidates for the 2024 general election ballot.

Here’s a rundown of the legislative withdrawals:

House District 1 – Democrat Mark Sumption, Frederick, on July 25 was designated to replace Dana Pulfrey, Claremont, who withdrew on July 16, and joins a former legislator, Democrat Steven McCleerey of Sisseton, in the contests for two House seats. Republican nominees are Christoper Reder, Warner, and Logan Manhart, Aberdeen. Libertarian nominees are Josh Dennert, Aberdeen, and Tamara Lesnar, Grenville. 

Senate District 5 – Democrat Russell Ronke, Watertown, withdrew on July 19 and hasn’t been replaced. The Republican nominee is Glen Vilhauer, Watertown. 

Senate District 7 – Democrat Patty Bacon, Brookings, withdrew on July 22 and hasn’t been replaced. The Republican nominee is incumbent Tim Reed, Brookings. 

House District 7 – Democrats Cole Sartell, Brookings, and Penny S. Hauffe, Brookings, withdrew on March 26 and haven’t been replaced. Republican nominees for the two House seats are incumbents Mellissa Heermann, Brookings, and Roger DeGroot, Brookings. 

Senate District 18 – Democrat Sarah Carda, Yankton, on July 22 was designated to replace Dennis Menke, Yankton, who withdrew on July 12. The Republican nominee is Lauren Nelson, Yankton. 

Senate District 20 – Democrat Gary Steichen, Woonsocket, withdrew on July 31 and hasn’t been replaced. The Republican nominee is former legislator Paul Miskimins, Mitchell. 

House District 20 – Democrat Don Schmidt, Lane, withdrew on June 14; Democrat John Schmidt, Woonsocket, withdrew on July 30; and Republican incumbent Ben Krohmer, Mitchell, withdrew on August 6; no replacements have been designated. The remaining Republican nominee is Jeff Bathke, Mitchell.  

Senate District 34 – Democrat Michael Calabrese, Rapid City, withdrew on August 6 and hasn’t been replaced. The Republican nominee is former legislator Taffy Howard, Rapid City. 

The full list of current candidates can be found here.

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